Whistleblowing channel

Welcome to our whistleblowing channel

Our Whistleblowing channel is a way to ensure uncompromised compliance of our business and operations. In practice, it is an anonymous outlet for reporting suspicions of misconduct, meaning anything that is not in line with the law or with our values and policies. As an early warning system, it helps us react sooner to reduce risks, and it can be used by anyone with an anonymous reporting need.


If you feel comfortable contacting a T-engineering Manager directly to report your concern, we encourage you to do so as the first option.

How the case process work

Your report should contain the following information:


How your report is handled

Based on current legislation, the company will make an initial assessment of your report to determine whether it is applicable for being handled in the whistleblowing channel.


All reports will be assigned a unique case number and you will receive a verification code to confirm receipt of your report. You will receive the confirmation within seven days of acknowledgment of your report. You can use the verification code to submit additional information or get feedback on the case.


The company will feedback to you on how the case has been handled within 90 days. You can also find this feedback by logging in with your verification code.


You remain completely anonymous when you submit a report, unless you voluntarily provide personal information. There is no obligation to provide any personal information.


Whistleblowing reporting channel

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