A pinch detection system is a safety feature designed to prevent injuries to passengers when doors or windows close on their fingers or other body parts. This system typically uses sensors to detect potential pinch points and automatically stops or reverses the closing motion. The following text focus on window pinch detection. The T-engineering solution does not use any external sensors.
When the window closing button is pressed, the motor begins to close the window.
If the control unit detects a significant increase in load compared to normal operation, indicating potential resistance, the control unit immediately activates the window closing mechanism’s reversal or stop function.
Enkelhet: Denna metod förlitar sig på befintliga motorkomponenter och kräver inga ytterligare komplexa sensorer.
Kostnadseffektivitet: Att använda T Engineering pinch detection är mer kostnadseffektivt jämfört med andra sensorbaserade metoder.
Tillförlitlighet: Befintlig motoravkänning är i allmänhet tillförlitlig och kan ge korrekt information om motorns funktion.
T-engineering’s software have special functions to handle rough road and wear of window rubber sealant and motors.
T-engineering’s software also include motor temperature models, to protect the motors from overheating.